
Modernize your educational institution’s digital profile with info screens, digital signposts, booking systems and much more. Dnp Visiosign is ready to advise on your needs and wishes.


Customized solutions for your needs

Regardless of whether your educational institution or campus needs information screens for the canteen, a screen wall or a digital guide, we have the perfect solutions for you. Our combined solutions make it easy to create an overview, community and to keep all students and staff well informed.

As your digital advisors, we have not only chosen to focus on ease of use and simplicity, but we also have a focus on ensuring that our solutions fit in aesthetically and design-wise with you!

Contact us so we can help you find the right solutions for your needs.


Selected solutions for educational institutions

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The future educational institution

It is important that educational institutions help shape the future and we would therefore like to be your digital partners, giving you the tools to reach your full potential.

Welcome the students and staff with the help of digital signposts that make it easy to find your way around the location. In addition, reading rooms, study rooms and the like can be set up in an efficient and user-friendly way with the help of our meeting booking screens.

Book a virtual tour and be presented with our many combined solutions and see what best suits your needs and wishes.


Selected customer cases

Copenhagen Business Academy

The Concert Hall of Aarhus

Selected customer cases

We supply many types of screen solutions and work closely with our customers to tailor a solution that reflects the organisation’s needs and wishes.

See our cases
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Our customers say

Nicolai Grube Rosen, Managing Director Anticimex Innovation Center

“We wanted to be able to record our meetings on video. This option did not exist as standard. But after a good dialogue with Session’s meeting room expert, we were able to tailor a solution that perfectly suited our needs. Now we can easily record our meetings on video, so that we can subsequently send them to the people who could not participate, for example, due to the time difference.”

Tina Briting, IT boss EUC Sjælland

“Another way we save time is by minimizing our transport time. Our centers are spread all over Zealand and by holding our meetings via Skype, we save approx. 1.5 hours of transport per meeting – per employee! to quite a few hours when you multiply it over a year.”